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$500,000 Challenge Grant Launches Campaign

Eric Dregne

Your gift to the CTE Academy's capital campaign will be matched dollar for dollar thanks to an incredible gift from an anonymous donor. The $500,000 challenge grant was announced by the CTE Academy and Community Foundation on June 8th.

The funds will be placed in the CTE Academy Foundation, a fund at the Community Foundation of Jo Daviess County.

“This amazing gift kicks off our campaign with a bang! Said Kris Hall, CTE Academy Director. “It’s a great incentive for other members of the community and our alumni to get involved. We are very fortunate to have such incredible support in the community.” This gift follows news from just a couple of weeks ago

when a new fund called the CTE Academy Foundation was started at the Community Foundation to raise needed funding for capital improvements to the CTE Academy buildings and grounds located in Elizabeth, IL as well as support for educational programs and materials.

The CTE Academy Foundation is raising funds for a series of needed improvements to program areas including Early Childhood Education classroom and Culinary Arts/Restaurant Management kitchen, as well as facility improvements including LED lighting, solar energy, HVAC, tuckpointing, and security systems.

Gifts to the CTE Academy Foundation can be made in any amount online on the Community Foundation website at or by writing a check to: Community Foundation of Jo Daviess County, P.O. Box 77, Elizabeth, IL 61028, write CTEA Foundation in the memo. Read the press release.

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