A fund for The Elizabeth Historical Society has been started thanks to the generosity a local donor. The fund will be held at The Community Foundation of Jo Daviess County and will support the Elizabeth Historical Society’s preservation efforts at their two museums and programming to celebrate the history of Elizabeth and Jo Daviess County.
The fund was made possible thanks to a legacy gift from Virginia Klopf Holidy, a former resident of Elizabeth and long time supporter of the Elizabeth Historical Society. She was the daughter of Edward and Emma Klopf of rural Elizabeth. Virginia graduated in the class of 1949 from Elizabeth High School and then attended Dubuque School of Beauty. In 1951 she moved to Modesto, CA where she eventually owned and operated her own beauty salons. Ginny married Clyde “Hap” Holiday in 1960.
The Elizabeth Historical Society is making plans to use some of the funds to digitize the collections in both museums, present relevant programs, and for possible expansions. “We are grateful for this generous gift. We are honored that Mrs. Holidy trusted in us and believed in our mission to preserve & celebrate the history of our community,” said Historical Society President, Martha Purchis.
Gifts to the Elizabeth Historical Society Fund are being accepted. Gifts can be made online on the Community Foundation website at www.cfjodaviess.com or by mailing a check to: Community Foundation of Jo Daviess County, P.O. Box 77, Elizabeth, IL 61028.
The Community Foundation of Jo Daviess County fosters giving and invests in communities in Northwest Illinois. At the Community Foundation of Jo Daviess County, we strengthen the communities in our county by inspiring community members to give, making grants to strengthen nonprofits, and investing in long-term community initiatives.